Help us make CC a school dedicated to offering a dynamic, well-rounded Catholic education. The Catholic Central Fund supports the most critical needs of the school, including tuition assistance, mission-centered programming, teaching, and learning.
The Catholic Central Endowment furthers our mission by providing lasting support for scholarships, financial aid, and general use. This fund ensures that Catholic Central has a permanent source of money for our future growth. Help us as we strive to build a strong endowment to ensure our future financial health. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Beth Banta.
We are proud to offer 41 endowed scholarships: 39 provide tuition assistance for current Catholic Central students and 2 provide scholarships for college-bound Catholic Central seniors. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Beth Banta.
We want all Catholic Central students to experience everything that our school has to offer, in and out of the classroom. While the Catholic Central Fund offers tuition assistance to those in need, sometimes students’ needs go beyond tuition assistance: a dance ticket, a yearbook, a band trip. To serve some of these needs, we created the Mind, Body, Spirit Fund.
Catholic Central offers creative, easy-to-structure gifts through bequests, retirement plans, gift annuities, charitable trusts, and more. These options allow you to advance the mission of Catholic Central for generations to come. We will work with you to find a charitable plan that lets you provide for your family and support Catholic Central.
A Catholic Central auction with food, fellowship, and fun with our Catholic Central family. All proceeds from the evening will go to the Catholic Central Fund, which supports tuition assistance, teaching and learning initiatives, and student programming.
Sharing your time and talent with Catholic Central makes a big impact on our community. There are many volunteer opportunities throughout the year, including joining the parent organization, participating in Serve-a-thon, assisting at events, and more.
Catholic Central Day celebrates CC and generates critical funds that allow us to offer an excellent and affordable Christ-centered education through which students develop their passions and discover their callings. Save the date for CC Day 2025: Thursday, March 13 – Saturday, March 15.
Giving Societies are one of the means by which Catholic Central recognizes and thanks donors. Donations of any amount and for any initiative count towards donors’ membership in a Giving Society. Organized by the cumulative giving during the prior fiscal year, each Giving Society has its own array of member benefits.
The 1906 Society is open to Young Alumni (ages 18-39) who give to Catholic Central in a meaningful but manageable way -- $19.06 or more annually. Each year, there are a number of on- and off-campus events that give 1906 Society members opportunities to socialize, network, and hear about the latest exciting developments at Catholic Central.
The Mary Mother of the Church Legacy Society recognizes those from the Catholic Central community — alumni, friends, faculty, and staff — who have generously made planned gift arrangements to support Catholic Central. If you have named Catholic Central in your will, trust, or estate, please contact Beth Banta at 616.233.5816 or