Clubs & Organizations at CC

Find your passion

Clubs & Organizations

Art Club
Bass Fishing Club
Disc Golf Club
Dungeons and Dragons Club
Esports Club
Fashion Club
Heart to Heartside
Kids Food Basket Club
Latino Student Union
Mental Health and Wellness Club
Model United Nations
Murals that Matter
National Honor Society
Students for Life
Volunteer Club

National Honor Society

Catholic Central maintains the following criteria for student membership in our chapter:
  • All juniors or seniors with a 3.8 GPA (weighted) receive an invitation to apply in September.
  • The NHS Faculty Council expects eligible students to have logged in MobileServe: 50 hours of volunteer service by the beginning of 11th grade or 75 hours of volunteer service by the beginning of 12th grade.
  • Leadership experiences and examples of good character are also reviewed.
  • All inducted NHS members must complete 4 hours of service per month throughout the calendar year and maintain a 3.8 GPA.
  • Leadership and scholarship opportunities are also available to NHS members.

Completion of an application does not guarantee acceptance. If a junior candidate is not accepted into NHS, he/she will have another chance, during their senior year, to apply as long as the required GPA or higher is maintained and the other requirements are met.

Questions about our NHS chapter may be directed to the current NHS Advisor at