It’s important to recognize the President and the Principal as co-leaders with complementary tasks.
In general, the President is the “Chief Executive Officer” of the school, responsible for financial affairs, fundraising, campus planning, enrollment management, marketing, and long-term planning. The President’s primary constituents include the School Board, diocesan leadership, parish priests, alumni/donors, and prospective parents. The President is active in promoting the Catholic mission, as well as creating the conditions and obtaining the resources for the other professionals to carry out their essential work in the formation of students.
The Principal, as “Chief Operating Officer,” is the building leader who ensures excellence in academics, faith formation, and student life. This leader sets the tone for the school community on a daily basis and executes priorities through the faculty and student body. This includes large, dynamic programs and departments such as the school’s curriculum, instruction, campus ministry, the house system, athletics, and college counseling, among others. The Principal’s primary constituents are the students, faculty, staff, and current parents.
Catholic schools have found they need robust leadership that is both “outside-in” (President) and “inside-out” (Principal) to meet the needs of today and build a confident future.