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DRESS DOWN DAY FUNDRAISER TOMORROW - At the end of March, 20 CC Junior/Senior missionaries will be traveling to build homes, provide medical care, and teach English in some of the most poverty-stricken areas of the Dominican Republic. You can help support their mission by participating in a dress-down day tomorrow, Friday, February 7.   

Standard dress-down day procedures:

$2 for jeans

$5 for sweatpants

If you would like to donate more to their cause, please do! All support is greatly appreciated! Donations will be collected during first carrier tomorrow morning.

RESEARCH STUDY - If you are interested in participating in a research study to determine whether distractions that you hear are affecting your ability to focus, then please reach out to Keaton Davis ( or Mrs. Swiatek ( This study would be completed in a Focus Time on Thursday, 2/13 and would have each participant take a cognitive test with differing types of distractions and submit their data to a google form. Your help would be much appreciated and all participants will receive a donut on the day of testing or a backup option if there are allergies!

AP CAPSTONE SYMPOSIUM -  On Monday, February 10, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Student Center, your peers in the AP Capstone Program will be hosting their annual Symposium. A variety of topics will be discussed, from the bounce of pickleballs to voter turnout in Kent County to music tempo and bench press performance. Consider joining this evening of academic excellence and see what the AP Capstone program is all about!

KCTC OPEN HOUSE - The annual open house for prospective students of the Kent Career Tech Center will be February 5th & 6th from 5:00 - 7:00pm. each night. Teachers, administrators and students will be on hand to answer questions. No registration is necessary. KCTC is free for 11th- and 12th-graders in Kent County and Kent ISD schools and homeschool students.

KAIROS 8 REGISTRATION - Seniors - This is an invitation for you to attend our last Kairos retreat for your class this year. We changed the dates so that it wouldn't affect Mid-Winter Break. The new dates are February 25-28. We would love you to go on this important retreat, especially as you are moving into your final months here at CC. This retreat will be very helpful to ensure some calm before the craziness of the end of the year, your graduation and heading off to college next fall. Sign up this week to ensure your spot! The absolute deadline to sign up is next Friday, February 14. Please see Dcn. Rybicki in Rm. 208 if you have any questions and/or concerns.

YOUTH POLICE ACADEMY - The application process for the Grand Rapids Police Department Youth Police Academy has started for 2025. They will be accepting applications from now until March 31. There will be an informational meeting on Thursday June 5 at 6pm and the academy itself will run Monday June 23 through Friday June 27. The program is free for those who attend with a uniform and lunch provided. The week is spent on a variety of activities to show students what a police agency has to offer (police, forensics, dispatch, cadets, etc). They will accept applications from all current high school students (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) with preference given to those graduating if  more than 30 participants apply. The application can be found HERE. If you have questions, please visit the counseling office.

CAREER TALKS - We have two great opportunities for Career Talks this week.  Sign up in Focus if you are interested.

  • Thursday 2/6 - Sarah Eyk from Ferris Coffee and Nut Company will talk about her career as an artist, director of marketing, and photography.

SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - For a list of scholarship opportunities, please click HERE
BEGINNING WITH BREAKFAST - A hot breakfast of the chef’s choice will be offered daily. All breakfast combos are served with fruit, juice, and milk
LOOKING AHEAD FOR LUNCH - Lunch Combos are served with an entree, fruit, veggie, and milk

  • Thursday, February 6 - Poppin Chicken Bowl (Chicken, Potato, Corn, & Gravy), Grapes
  • Friday, February 7 - Pizza, Fruit & Veggie Bar

BLESSING OF THE DAY - May the God of Intimacy be with you. May you and God bring each other to birth by your mutual self-disclosure. May you be unafraid to bring what is broken as well as what is blessed in your life to this God who is for you lover and friend, companion and creator. May the blessing of Intimacy be with you. --Maxine Shonk, OP